-  Scientific  -  Software

Software - RAON Series.

Raon series is a software for operating and analyzing devices created by Weave. The software for operating the devices enables users to acquire data easily and quickly. The dedicated analysis software enables users to analyze the data anytime, anywhere, while the measurement is in progress, even without the device itself connected.

All software offers continuous upgrades based on user experience.

RAON Spec*  Imager*  Vu*

Acquire data faster more conveniently with Raon-Spec, Imager. Take it to the next level with Raon-Vu, the dedicated analytics program.

Simultaneous measurement and analysis

Additional software for analysis is provided. The data can be analyzed while the measurement is still in progress.

Anytime, anywhere                             

Analyze data from anywhere, even in device-less environments.                                                                                                                                                                    

Unlimited updates

The software is being constantly updated based on user feedback and experience.                                                                                   


Device operating software (HEDA)

*Basic functionality

Automatic machine control for 

more convenient measurements.

Simplified software control of all connected devices, including spectrometers, CCDs and stages.

Measurement and analysis of spectrum

Get more accurate spectrum measurements with Ever Cal, Weave's proprietary X Calibration technology.

  • Remove Cosmic ray
  • Remove Background Find
  • Peak
  • ROI Analysis


Optical imaging

Mouse controlled stage makes it easier to observe samples.

  • Measure sample length
  • FOV correction for installing additional lenses                                                                                                                             


Rapid mapping

Mapping makes it easier and faster to acquire data on large areas of a sample.

  • High-speed mapping / High-precision mapping / Large-area mapping
  • Analysis with ROI (2D, 3D images for peak intensity, integral, half-width, and wavelength values)


*Additional features of WEVE

Spectrum scanning

Snapshots (Spectrum & Image Gallery)

Ability to measure and store spectra and optical images in pairs.




Device operating software (SERA)

*Basic functionality

Automatic machine control for 

more convenient measurements.

Simplified software control of all connected devices, including spectrometers, CCDs and stages.            

Measurement and analysis of spectrum

Mouse controlled stage makes it easier to observe samples.

  • Measure sample length
  • FOV correction for installing additional lenses



Acquire more data in less time with hyper spectral imaging technology.

  • Large-area high-resolution high-speed mapping (512x512 pixels: maximum speed 10s)
  • 3 image representations (Single Band, Multi Band, Full Spectra)
  • Image Smoothing
  • Contrast Enhancement
  • Image observation and storage for the entire wavelength band



Dedicated analytics software

For RAON-Spec.

Analysis of spectrum data

  • Find peaks
  • Remove background
  • Multi-spectral ratio comparison
  • Remove Cosmic ray
  • ROI analysis and arithmetic operations

Analysis of mapping data

  • ROI Analysis
  • Arithmetic
    -Select 2 ROIs and perform calculations
    -Display an image of the result of the arithmetic operation
  • 2D & 3D ROI image  
    -Select and adjust display color and range
  • Remove Cosmic Ray
  • Combine with optical images

Automatic baseline correction

  • polynOmial Fitting
  • Mean difference equations
  • Manuals
  • Remove from File

For RAON-Imager.

Spectral data analysis

  • Find peaks
  • Remove background
  • Spectrum smoothing           

Image analysis

  • 3 image output methods
    -Single Band, Multi Band, Full Spectra
  • Image smoothing
  • Contrast enhancement

  • Observe and save images for the entire wavelength band

    • -Convallaria Cpp
    • -407 ~ 750nm
    • -Approx 1nm interval

Experience with WEVE's solutions. Use Contacts to get in touch anytime.

A. 33, Sagimakgol-ro 62beon-gil, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (13211).

T. 031 548 2990  F. 031 548 2991

M. weve@theweve.com

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