- Scientific - Software
Software - RAON Series.
Raon series is a software for operating and analyzing devices created by Weave. The software for operating the devices enables users to acquire data easily and quickly. The dedicated analysis software enables users to analyze the data anytime, anywhere, while the measurement is in progress, even without the device itself connected.
All software offers continuous upgrades based on user experience.
RAON - Spec* Imager* Vu*
Acquire data faster more conveniently with Raon-Spec, Imager. Take it to the next level with Raon-Vu, the dedicated analytics program.
Simultaneous measurement and analysis
Additional software for analysis is provided. The data can be analyzed while the measurement is still in progress.
Anytime, anywhere
Analyze data from anywhere, even in device-less environments.
Unlimited updates
The software is being constantly updated based on user feedback and experience.